Unit 5

Prince of Wales Business Park

Birds Royd Lane



Telephone:  01484 629935

Adult Support Services

Outreach Support is practical, professional support for people who need extra support with everyday life. This might be help with cooking, shopping, personal care or support with managing money or getting a job.

Tens of thousands of people with a learning disability and their family members currently get social care support which is funded by the government. This ranges from a few hours of support a week for some people to round-the-clock care for others.

Support can also be provided to access social and leisure activities or liaise with other agencies in relation to training, employment and social welfare support. Outreach support can, for example, include the development of budgeting and independent living skills.

For each person, a personalised support plan will be developed in partnership with their support team. This is reviewed regularly to ensure outcomes are progressed and achieved. Although there is a wide and varied range of potential positive outcomes, through outreach support, the underlying focus is on enabling individuals to achieve goals which are meaningful to them.


Outreach builds support individually around each person, recognising that every individual has needs and wishes that are personal to them. CJP Outreach Services can offer a wide range of person centred services that meet the specific needs of individuals.

Our outreach services provides one to one (or two to one if required) specialist support in the home or community. The service is staffed by specialist support workers who are experienced in supporting individuals, and is co-ordinated from a number of our community based services. Flexible Day Opportunities through outreach operate across day, evening and weekends.

Outreach can be days, evenings and weekends, dependant on the required needs of the individual including:

• Supporting people in their own homes to help them develop their living skills, whether that be with household tasks, understanding letters/bills or life skills.
• Accessing the community, socialising, helping to build confidence
• Individuals can choose activities which they would like to do such as meals out, cinema, bowling, shopping, country walks, days out.
• Building confidence and social skills

Autism Support

Our support for autistic people is designed around your needs, interests and preferences and we encourage feedback from you about the work we’re doing.

Whatever you’re doing, whether at home, going out, finding education or employment, we’re committed to providing exceptional specialist autism care and support for you.

We will work with you to create your support plan and involve you in choosing your support workers, providing you with specialist staff who understand you and your autism. All our staff are trained in autism awareness and receive extra training so you can rely on us for safe, flexible and personalised support.


Learning Disability 

A learning disability is when an individual has a reduced ability to understand information. Individuals with a learning disability can also find it difficult to communicate and it can affect their independence. People with learning disabilities can have difficulty with everyday tasks such as household chores, managing budget and even socialising.

We can support you to achieve these tasks and more. Whatever you’re doing, whether at home, going out, finding education or employment, we’re committed to providing exceptional care and support for you.

We’ll work with you and your support network to create your support plan and involve you in choosing your support workers, providing you with staff who understand you. We provide specific learning disability training for our staff to ensure our care and support meets your needs.


Transition can be a positive and exciting time, by working together with you and your support network, we can create a structured and flexible transition plan which will help to alleviate your worries.

We facilitate open and honest communication throughout your transition journey, providing clarity and reassurance when it is needed most.  We will be there to support you in a way that suits you as you move into your new home and going forward.

We believe that every person has the right to live the life they want. Your support team will help you do what you enjoy and will be there for you and your support network whenever you need us.

We work with you and the people who are close to you to develop a tailored transition plan that outlines everything you expect, want and need. But we understand that things change, so we can review and change your plans as and when you need.


Transforming Care

We can provide bespoke support for people with a learning disability and / or autism who have a range of additional needs including mental health conditions, challenging behaviours and forensic backgrounds. We are committed to the delivery of person-centred, flexible support that promotes choice and control. This is reflected in our five values, which align closely with the Transforming Care National Service Model.

We work closely with the people we support and their support network so they can successfully return to their communities from secure and inpatient settings.

Contingency management plans are developed in partnership with the people we support, families and professionals, to prepare for and manage risks.


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Avon Support provide Supported Living and Outreach Services across Warwickshire. From our base in Stratford we support a number of individuals in their own accommodation and also in supported housing


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CJP Outreach Services provide support across England, providing Complex Support and Supported Living Opportunities in Yorkshire, The Midlands, Bristol, Bath, North East Somerset. We have office locations in Brighouse and Bristol along with a network of Case Managers and Team Leaders